Friday, December 28, 2012

Thoughts: A Place to Call Home

It's strange having two homes. In a way, it's a lot like not having one at all. I don't exactly belong to just one place anymore. A huge (and insane) part of my life now belongs to the foggy Bay up north, while a much greater part of me will always belong to the warm and sunny L.A. area. And nothing reminds me more of this than when I go back to visit my hometown. My roots. My comfort zone. What will always be my true home even with the years to come.

As I'm now on winter break, five hours away from the chaos of school, I can't explain how nice it has been to be home for the holidays. After finishing up what has without a doubt been my most stressful semester yet, the fact that I'll be home with my family for another month leaves me at such comfort and ease. And no matter how long it takes me to come back, or how far away I end up, I know I'll always have a place back here to call home.

I hope you all have a special and cozy place to call home this winter season. Take care and stay warm!
